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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wax Museum in London

Wax Museum in London

- History of the Museum : Madame Tissot was born in 1761 in Strasbourg , Her father died before they generate , Sponsored by a doctor named Curtis where her mother worked for him , And its work was the art of dealing with wax , Then went with him to Paris where he lived with the French Revolution .And was close to the Palace Alersas and Napoleon and his wife Which started in the industry faces of those killed in the revolution . And ended with an exhibition in The Baker Street bazzar , Then it became a Museum for her in marylebone road in London . 

{ The Museum was divided into }
Star room
And there are famous statues of movie stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp. Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts .

Great Salon
Contains statues of athletes and famous history and politicians such as Ronaldo, Hitler, Obama Bonaparte.
Horror room
This room hanging out a banner does not enter children and of course even heart patients , it's contains what Madame tusseau seen massacres of the French Revolution days.


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